Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wednesday, Feb. 1 (Day 10) Casa Nirvana, CR

Today was a rest & recovery day. After 2 days of playing at the beach, hiking & caving, we all needed a day off as tourists & time to just spend at home, relax, do school work, exercise & think about doing our first load of laundry! Cannon has mentioned his lack of legos & friends here on the trip so today he & Paul took time together to watch a Star Wars movie, "The Empire Strikes Back." This of course was after Cannon read from his book! Stacia & Sydney did make it to a nearby beach to enjoy a couple hours there. The rest of us just stayed at the beach house, "Casa Nirvana."

Casa Nirvana with our outdoor kitchen, dining & living areas!

cool light fixture over the cooking counter!

Paul & Cannon spending quality time together in the master bedroom
We don't have a washing machine. We did find a nice lady in town that would do our laundry but Stacia decided to buy detergent & do it ourselves! Paul washed out two trash cans, now our soapy water & rinse water. We are limited with our amount of drying space since the special stretchy clothes line that Staica bought only provides 5 feet. We need about 50 feet of linear space!
Stacia gives a laundry lesson, while Kyra finishes her dinner (French toast)

Avery washes while Cannon rinses & rings out the water before hanging

check out this Halloween bug we saw in the kitchen.


  1. Sounds like a nice day to recharge......except for the clothes washing! But that can be fun too :)

  2. At least everyone is smiling while doing laundry! Just booked my ticket. I'll be there in 2 days, k? Have a spare bed? 😜

  3. Wow, doing laundry in buckets/trashcans...seriously impressive!!!

  4. Anders misses Cannon. He wishes he were in Costa Rica with you, watching Star Wars.

    I love the laundry experience!

  5. Gettin' real with the laundry! Love it!

  6. Finally getting on the blog! So many more pics than instagram. :)

  7. What movie are Paul and Cannon watching?
