Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday, Feb. 16 (week 4 / day25) Playa Junquillal, CR

Playa Junquillal
We (Paul & Stacia) went for a nice walk on the beach this morning down on the long local beach with a funny name: Junquillal. It was a nice 45-minute mini date at 8:00 in the morning, already about 75 degrees & sweaty by the end.
about to start our walk on the beach.

a crane in the water

Stacia & the empty beach
an older couple out in the rocks
Stacia, Sydney, Carley & Cannon hit Playa Avellana in the afternoon for a few hours. There are no pics since Stacia wanted to be free of valuables & worry. Paul, Avery & Kyra got to stay at the beach house & just relax. For dinner Paul made rice with a chicken, onion & cabbage stir-fry & cantaloupe on the side. No beans or corn tonight!
our dinner of chicken & rice


  1. What an awesome morning mini date!

  2. It will be cooler in New Zealand. Your indoor/outdoor home looks very livable. And bringing your own cook is fantastic!

  3. Got to get alone time with your man! Did you roll in the sand???
