Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thursday, Feb. 2 (11) Playa Avellana, CR

Granola cereal & scrambled eggs with toast for breakfast. School work until about noon then we packed up & drove 15 minutes up the beach road to Playa Avellana. This beach was the movie set for "Endless Summer 2," the sequel to the surfing classic, neither of which we've seen.

the beach road has 2 streams to cross which are good landmarks for giving directions
Stacia at Playa Avellana relaxing in the shade

Cannon digging the moat for the next sandcastle

Avery, Kyra & Cannon who's taking a digging break IN the moat

We actually took a 30 minute stroll down the beach, a sort of mini-date away from the kids & we had the beach just about to ourselves. We still haven't found a beach with nicer sand than in Hawaii.

A selfie at Playa Avellana. Stacia is wearing Kyra's hat that she got yesterday in Samara

The kids missed us so much after 30 minutes without us!

At the south end of Playa Avellana is the well known Lola's Restaurant with a large outdoor eating area. We had brought our own snacks so we didn't eat there, but we did splurge on shave ice (snow cone cups) from the local man with the cart on the beach. The guy added sweetened condensed milk to make them creamier... none of the kids liked it so Paul got to finish off 5 sugar drinks.

shave ice vendor pouring in the sugar

Cannon gets his cup as someone takes our picture

Cannon, Carley & Avery got bubble gum flavor, Kyra got strawberry & Sydney got lemon

Kyra & her one sip. You can see the unmixed condensed milk

playing until the sun goes down

Sydney & Carley watching all the surfers that came out for high tide
 Back at the beach house, Cannon & Kyra choreographed a skit as they sang "We are the Janitors... of the World" to the Queen song "We are the Champions." The kids still argue & fight daily but moments like this make the together time worth it!
Cannon & Kyra pose after their janitor performance

grilled chicken, salad & mango for dinner


  1. That tree on the beach is so cool! And glad you got a little mini date to yourselves :) Sounds like it was an awesome day!!!!!

  2. Oh and I am LOVING Kyra's new hat!

  3. the two janitors make my heart melt...
