Saturday, February 25, 2017

Thursday, Feb. 23 (week 5 / day 32) San Jose, CR to LAX

Airport Day
Happy Birthday Mom! Stacia reserves the right to pick a different day to celebrate her birthday when she finds the perfect bakery in Europe! Paul had thought about calling ahead to the Walmart bakery in San Jose to special order a cake & pick it up on the way to the airport, but this was just too difficult to arrange.

We all endured the 2 long flights & 32-hour journey pretty well. What helps the most in this modern day is the personal screen on the back of each seat with TV, books, games & over 100 movies to choose from! The 6-hour plane ride from Costa Rica to LAX seemed short after just 2 movies! We try to regulate the electronic time on our trip, but when it comes to 13-hour plane rides through the night, forget it. Each of us dozed off at some point but it took a couple days for us all to feel normal again.
moving terminals in LAX
happily enduring the wait at LAX

 The Miracle Map
For the trip, Paul has been Sydney & Carley's Seminary Instructor & was desperate for a good map of the eastern Mediterranean Sea to follow the journeys of Paul the Apostle. He found one on Amazon but the seller didn't ship outside the US so the only option was to send it to LA somewhere & pick it up there. The bookstore IN the airport said they can't receive personal mail orders, so Paul found a Christian bookstore in Inglewood to send it to. Paul, Sydney & Carley walked/jogged 45 minutes to find the bookstore. The lady was amazed that anyone would send a map to her store & walk 3 miles to pick it up! "Who does that?"


  1. Great ingenuity Paul. What a great idea!

  2. And he talked to his brother while walking back to the airport from the bookstore. Thanks for the phone call!
