Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sunday, Feb. 5 (day 14) Santa Cruz, CR

We made it to church just 5 minutes to 9:00 for the first meeting. The kids got out of the car & went right in without hesitation. There was a lot less anxiety about being at church despite a the language barrier. Paul got up & introduced our family & shared a few words in Spanish as it was "testimony meeting" when anyone can speak. We got home & had a restful afternoon. We heard the cheering over at the nearby soccer field & went over to watch our first game with uniformed teams & a referee! It was the local Junquillal team playing against a team from a town near Liberia, CR.

Avery, Stacia & Sydney watching the local soccer game

Don't they look like they fit right in?

Dad! stop taking pictures!
We had an unusual cluster of bug visits tonight. Something flew across the dining area & landed right on Stacia's arm as she jumped up screaming & all the kids came running out. We thought it was a bat, but it turned out to be just one of the friendly giant grasshoppers or locusts. Despite multiple attempts at shooing it away, it really liked our bug-zapping lamp but was too big to fit through to get zapped! Paul had to take care of business to dampen the general hysteria.
the humongo flying grasshopper just wouldn't go away!

stick bug on the side of the kitchen counter
another bug hanging out on the dishes

this little gecko lives inside the house


  1. THAT GECKO!!!!!!! so cute!!!!!

  2. i love following your adventure! what an amazing experience! keep the posts coming:)

  3. Those are huge!!!! I would have been screaming too! Anyone gotten bit by anything?

  4. So good that you guys are documenting the trip like this.
