Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tuesday, Jan. 31 (Day 9) Barra Honda NP, CR

Caving in Costa Rica
Today we visited Barra Honda National Park where we were lead through the jungle to go caving.
in front of the park map before our hike & spelunking adventure

leaf tasting with our guide

Our guide had us chew on several leaves with different flavors: lemon, avocado, anis (licorice), & even spicy salsa. Some are touted to lower blood sugar for diabetics, some to lower blood pressure, another to cure sinusitis & migraine headaches & even one that can be used for eye drops to cure all your ophthalmic ailments! We should have stuffed our pockets & opened our own jungle-derived pharmaceutical company!

entrance to "La Cuevita" on the ground to the left

Stacia, Avery, Kyra & Cannon went into "La Cuevita" which was a tight squeeze to get in!
Our guide had to unlock the grate to access the rabit-size entrance. There were lots of cool stalactites, stalagmites & columns of calcium carbonite.

Stacia & Cannon ready to spelunk

Kyra makes the hole look big, right?

Kyra & Avery inside "La Cuevita"

caveman Cannon

Paul, Sydney & Carley descended into a larger cavern (Terciopelo) with safety ropes, carabiners & several bolted  ladders. The guide had us turn off our lights at the bottom where there was no light whatsoever, a reminder of the darkness described at Christ's death in 3Nephi chapter 8. After just 2 minutes it got uncomfortably claustrophobic & I could think of nothing but wanting to turn on my head lamp!
getting ready for the descent
Carley was first to go down
Sydney was next to brave the depths of the cave
Carley & Sydney among the stalactites of Terciopelo

Back to Samara Beach
After our day of caving, we again played & surfed at Playa Samara. Sydney & Carley got to use surf boards for free this time as part of their lessons & we rented another board for rest of us to share.
Avery on her way out to catch some waves!
Our fist sandcastle, the old pile-on & drip method
The finished product
Bakery Stop in Nicoya 
On the way home from Samara we had to stop at a bakery of course & get some goodies. Stacia found theis delicious bread that was like cinnamon rolls lined with dulce de leche... mmmmm!!!!
Stacia with a great bakery find!
had to get this pic of locals with their baby in tow


  1. Oh this looks like so much fun!!!!!! What a great adventure!!!!!

  2. I think the picture of you all in the cave safety hats is a Christmas card shot!
