Saturday, January 28, 2017

Saturday, Jan. 28 (Day 6) Santa Cruz Market & Playa Blanca

We have been getting to bed between 10 & 11pm and sleeping in until 8 or 9am. The kids have been switching places in their beds for fun, sometimes during the night. Us parents are in the other end of the house in a queen and there's a bathroom in the middle. The "house" is actually a trailer from a semi truck. Pretty ingenious! There is air conditioning which makes it really nice.

 All 5 kids comfortably in 1 room!
Today's breakfast was cereal, "Glacs" looks like Frosted Flakes but has a flavor of that mixed with Captain Crunch. Kyra thinks we should get 5 more boxes & have it for dinner too. This box only lasted until noon!

Cereal makes kids happy

 After a slow wake up, Stacia, Paul & Avery drove to Santa Cruz, a central town of the Nicoya Peninsula about 30 minutes away & saw this vulture just as we left our place.

There are several vultures hanging around, not sure why...
Our only goal in Santa Cruz was to find the farmers' market and load up on more fresh fruits & vegetables. After a drive through town, Paul got out & asked a lady about the market & we made it!

Stacia & Avery at the market

Paul pays for some oranges & 1 sapote (gross mushy fruit)

Fresh fish, yum! Didn't get any

We shared some pineapple soda, super sweet

Sydney & Carley enjoying the chips & dip we got

All but Kyra & Dad went down to our own little beach, Playa Blanca, which is about a 6 minute walk from the beach house. The sand is nice, shore somewhat rocky, but there are lots of shells to collect & miniature hermit crabs if you look close enough!

mini hermit crab

1 comment:

  1. Loving the framers market pictures and the ocean picts!!!!!
