Monday, March 27, 2017

Tuesday, Mar. 28 (week 10 / day 65) Elephant Tour, Thailand

Best Tour in Thailand
Stacia arranged a private tour with Loolu, a 30-something year old native with lots of energy & excitement as a tour guide. He speaks broken English but a lot better than most guides. We spent almost 12 hours with him as he took us to 4 attractions, the finale being the coolest thing we've done yet on the entire trip: playing with the elephants! We all had a blast as we fed, washed, rode & even hugged & kissed by these awesome animals! I'll get these pics up as soon as I can!!!!

Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep

Orchid & Butterfly Garden
Stacia with a local Thai Lanna woman
Sagee Waterfall Slide

On our way to the elephants we took a detour to pass through a non-touristy area to see real local living. We passed this woman dressed in traditional Thai Lanna garb. We had to stop & get a pic!
Elephant Playground
We finally arrived at the Thai Elephant Farm at the end of the road somewhere northwest of Chiang Mai. At first we stood outside the fence feeding them bananas, handing them to their trunks & also throwing them right into their mouths once we learned the command. After a few minutes the 5 bags of bananas were gone & they let us inside the fence & we got up close & personal with hugs & kisses!

There were 8 total: 2 adult females, 4 "teenagers" & 2 babies, the youngest one was 4 months old named "Sunday," so cute! As Sydney said, "they are kind of ugly, but at the same time so cute."
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Carley, now inside the fence
Kyra & Cannon with "Sunday" the 4-month-old baby


Sydney resisting the elephantine affection
she finally concedes
recovery stage