Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday, Mar. 10 (week 7 / day 47) Oxbow to Mt. Aspiring, NZ

High Adventure Day
Today was awesome. The ultimate extreme & high adventure day. Well, we could've packed more in but we opted out of the helicopter stunt ride. We drove out to the oxbow bend in the Clutha River just southeast of Wanaka to the Oxbow Adventure Company where the owner has built his house & the ultimate adrenaline-junky playground. First we rode down to the riverside to jet boat. This thing is built to ride in water only 3-4 inches deep & can spin a 360 degree turn which we did several times. We reached about 50 mph & jetted right along the trees of the river. In Queenstown, they have these same jet boats & drive them through canyons that seem barley wider than the boats are! Kyra was quite hesitant & chose a middle seat, but she loved it.

We stopped back at the toy hanger to switch gears, now for some serious off-roading in the rock crawler! Avery, Kyra & Cannon went first. They climbed in the jump suits, put on "sunnies" & each got a "buff" or gator to help keep the dust off. After they were strapped in securely, they peeled out of the hanger & zoomed passed us. Again, I wondered if Kyra would come back crying or laughing. She couldn't decide which was better, the boat or the off-roader! We got to see the owner's house when we used the bathroom, wow, what a view!
getting prepped in the big-toy hanger
ready to jet on  the river
a selfie break
the ultimate off-roader
Kyra: "do I really have to get in that thing?"
all suited up & looking tough!
Cannon was too cute in the over-sized jump suit
belted in & ready for action
their first turn after peeling out of the hanger
coming down the steep hill
climbing the rock (but not over this one)
crawling over the rocks
Sydney & Carley looking chill before their turn
the Oxbow house
the oxbow bend in the river
Mount Aspiring National Park
We had our picnic lunch in the car as we drove about an hour straight from Oxbow to Mount Aspiring NP on the west side of Lake Wanaka. This was one of the most beautiful hikes we've ever done. The drive up into the valley was reminiscent of the Weber Canyon in Utah. In New Zealand they call trails, "tracks" & to hike is "to tramp." If the track is long enough, it also becomes one of their more famous "great walks" like the Kepler or Routeburn tracks that we sampled earlier this week. This track, the Rob Roy Glacier Track, is a shorter one, about 3 miles one way, but very popular because of it's beauty & proximity to the glacier at the 3rd lookout.

We parked at the end of the road & started up the gravel trail to the swing bridge on the river. The track then dips into the forest & soon comes to the 1st lookout with a view up the valley to the still distant glacier. The 2nd lookout is about 2 miles up with a nicely framed shot of the glacier & a long skinny waterfall from the melting snow. The end of the track opens up onto a rocky hillside with the 3rd lookout & a sweeping view of the glacier with  multiple waterfalls. Pics were hard with the sunlight coming right over the top of the snow. There was a German guy tramping barefoot that we chatted with briefly; he commented how we packed light, despite only carrying a camera himself & having no shoes!
the Rob Roy Glacier with Mt. Aspiring (middle peak?)
the joke is that their are more sheep than people in Southland.

Stacia & Avery at the trailhead
Avery drinking water right from the stream

the 1st lookout

the 2nd lookout
catching some rays near the top of the track
our German friend without shoes
the Rob Roy Glacier up close with too much sun!
a subtle shot of the German guy standing on the rock
my best shot of the glacier with my hand spoiling it to shield the sun!
on the way down, hoping the rock doesn't give way!

the sunset from our townhome porch

1 comment:

  1. That glacier is a most memorable mountain treasure to have a picture of for your life experiences. You were so close and it was so real.
