Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sunday, Mar. 19 (week 8 / day 56) Bangkok to Krabi, Thailand

Bangkok Ward
We got up early to make our way to church. We debated about taking a taxi but the chapel is just over a mile from our apartment... well, we should have taken the taxi, but that wouldn't be so adventurous, right? It took about 35 minutes in the humid 80 degree morning, we had to cross several busy streets, Stacia twisted her ankle on the broken sidewalk & Carley hit a sign with her head leaving a pretty good scrape.  We were this big, American family just walking down the busy streets.

We made it at 9:02 & enjoyed the short sacrament service ending about 9:55.  It was in English except for the visiting high counselor who spoke in Thai & was translated by the guy standing next to him with his own microphone.  We met Nephi & Ruby Jensen, an older couple serving a humanitarian mission in Laos now in Bangkok because the Laos government stopped them from meeting as a church after they lost their building. It turns out that Nephi is from Middleton, ID & is the uncle of someone Stacia went to high school with!

Nephi was nice enough to offer the church service center as a place we could leave our roller bags while we travel the next 10 days around Thailand. We decided a taxi was OK on Sunday & made it back to the apartment in 10 minutes, repacked our bags & took a taxi to the airport while Paul taxied all the roller bags to the service center where he met Nephi, unloaded the bags & continued on to meet up at the airport.

Bann Sawan Resort
The flight was 1 hour 20 minutes from Bangkok to Krabi Airport. Our driver stood with a sign: "Stacia Morgan" which was actually spelled right! This taxi service from the airport to Ao Nang was a part of the arrangement Stacia made with the resort. What luxury, a 10 passenger van! We thoroughly enjoyed the ample space, each in our own seat. We checked in to our room at the Baan Sawan Resort near Ao Nang. Paul stayed with Kyra & Cannon at the pool while Stacia, Sydney, Carley & Avery went into town to find a market & check it out. They finally got to try the treatment where the fish eat the dead skin off your feet. Carley couldn't stand it at first but got used to it as the little critters ate it up.
the fish pedicure in progress


  1. A fish pedicure. What an experience!

  2. It is such a small world to meet someone from right here! Just crazy!
    That fish so cool, but I am not sure I could do it!!!!!!
