Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Thursday, Mar. 30 (week 10 / day 67) Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Angkor Wat
A hot sunny day of temple-going here in Cambodia. It wore us out but we covered a lot of cool ground! This may not have been Cannon's favorite days: hot, tired & always wondering if this was our last temple, but it was specially planned for Paul who has wanted to see this place for a long time!


Mid-trip Haircut
When we got back to the hotel, Paul got his hair cut right across the street from our place. It only cost $2 & the young barber was confused & then shocked to get a $1 dollar tip!

A Cambodian Circus
This was cooler than it sounds. No animals. Just acrobatic performers from an art school. They told the clever story of the different perspective of the Cambodian reaction to the storms of life compared to the typical tourists (wearing white masks). It was quite entertaining! They handed out fans to everyone although it wasn't that hot under the big top (the popcorn wasn't free). It was quite a small arena so even the top row was close enough to enjoy the show.

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