Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sunday, Mar. 5 (week 6 / day 42) Queenstown to Te Anau, NZ

Queenstown LDS Branch
We walked 8 minutes from the Motor Camp up the road to the meetinghouse used for the small Queenstown Branch. We got to witness the changing of the guard, so to speak, as the new missionary couple (the Savages) were taking over for the outgoing couple (the Christensens) after 18 months of service. After the meetings, we all stood & sang "Until We Meet Again" to the Christensens. There were no youth-aged kids so Sydney, Carley & Avery helped out in the nursery, just one child.

Going to church in the small branch made us realize that playing the piano should be part of missionary prep or life in the church prep.  They had no one who could play and were glad to have the help of a visitor.  The last piano player (even for sacrament) was a missionary who was just transferred.  Sydney decided she should at least learn to play the simplified hymns.  We were also humbled by watching Sister Hambling.  I thought she was the primary president because she was in setting up and started primary, for the eight kids including ours.  But then come time for RS and she was conducting that also.  She brings her two daughters by herself each week and seems to run most of the ward.  That can not be easy although she seemed to be the happiest person there.  What an example of faith and diligence.  Church is a walk in the park for us.

A beautiful morning to go to church (are those dreadlocks, Sydney?)
singing farewell to the Christensens (far right)
visiting after church
After church Paul walked to the rental car place just a few blocks away & we said goodbye to the Motor Camp staff & were only charged half-price for our inconvenience. We headed to the nearest grocery store & stocked up on healthier food, had lunch right there on the front bench & then drove the 2 hours from Queenstown to Te Anau where we will stay for 3 nights.

"Best House Yet!"
We got to our house in Te Anau about 5:30 & the kids rejoiced as the house is spacious with comfortable beds, 2 bathrooms, a toy chest in the living room! It may not be as modern as the place in Tauranga, but the décor, space & carpet make it feel like an American house. Cannon & Kyra got to work right away building towns with the farm & tractor toys; they gave us tours of their dairy farm operation, based loosely on our wonderful experience at the Davison Farm. The back patio of the house here opens onto public parkland: just plane grass, a few trees & nice views of the surrounding mountains. Ten steps up from the Motor Camp!

rice, chicken & curried potatoes for dinner

Pavlova for dessert, almost as good as Carol's back home!


  1. We need pictures of the house!!!!!!

  2. I'll go take some now! I've been updating last week with lots of pics so take a look back
