Thursday, May 11, 2017

Thursday, May 11 (week 16 / day 109) Salzburg, Austria

The Hills are Alive...
We had to do it. This bike ride was not only a fun Sound of Music tour, it was a super-scenic tour of Salzburg & countryside. Our guide was a 30-something-year-old guy named Claudio from Ecuador who moved to Berlin 10 years ago & somehow came here to be an expert on Julie Andrews & Christopher Plummer. We rode from 9:30 to almost 1:30 and covered about 12 miles without any complimentary snacks or beverages, although we did stop at some food tables where we got yummy baked goods. Luckily I had brought my water supply.

Each bike had a cute basket & a flip chart to guide us as we stopped & listened to the behind-the-scenes stories from the movie's production. Kyra was reluctant as usual when it comes to bikes but by the end of the day she was ahead of us cruising the streets of Salzburg. It's been raining a lot recently so we were super lucky to get such a sunny warm day (75 degrees). We forced the kids to watch the movie before we left but now it may be more fun after seeing the outdoor scene locations (everything filmed indoor was shot back in the states on set). ...
weather-worn flip chart with various movie scenes
Kyra cruising down the canal path
"Do-Re-Mi"  courtyard
steps used when Uncle Max told the kids about being famous singers
going through the tunnel where Rolf stood as a new Nazi soldier (see flip chart above)
baroque fountain where Maria splashed water
building where Nazi flags hung after occupation of Salzburg
another shot of the awesome Salzburg castle
cemetery church (not in movie)
"decapitation" exhibit inside cemetery church, artsy but a little disturbing
windows of rooms dug right into the mountain
random water wheel
it's a coincidence that Kyra is just learning to play chess
Kyra capturing Cannon's knight
Cannon counters with a power move
back to the bike tour... "climb every mountain"
a break to enjoy the view
Claudio took a family pic for us
the gate where the Von Trapp kids came to the Abbey asking for Maria
the house used for the back side of the Von Trapp home
riding out to the famous gazebo (miles from the house!)
the gazebo is locked because some old lady broke her hip while leaping benches & sued the city!
this reenactment was a bit of a stretch!
very elegant, girls
riding back to Salzburg as Claudio played the soundrack 
"I have confidence" heels-kicking scene
the front gates of the Von Trapp house (this house is yellow!)
"the hills are alive!"
almost back to Salzburg
Stacia's cute cruiser bike with basket
Kebab Lunch
While Sydney & Carley ran back to the apartment to do homework, we stopped for lunch at local place recommended by Claudio. There were 3 big stacks of meat (beef, chicken or turkey) on giant spinning skewers to chose from. They shave off a pile of meat, put it on a tortilla or bun & add lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes & yogurt sauce to make your "kebab" (or kebap). Pretty tasty!

shaving beef off the skewer stack
ordering was a bit of a challenge but they were patient with us
yummy kebab sandwiches & wraps
the backyard at our Salzburg apartment


  1. You are our own "Sound of Music" family!

  2. Oh that would be such a fun tour!!!! Makes me want to go watch the movie!!!!
