Monday, May 15, 2017

Saturday, May 13 (week 16 / day111 ) Werfen, Austria

Eisriesenwelt Ice Cave
The Eisriesenwelt Cave is the largest ice cave in the world so we just had to go. We didn't know that it would be such a trek to get there though! It's only an hour south of Salzburg but after you park & buy tickets, you walk uphill about 20 minutes through a quarter-mile tunnel. You can also go around the mountain for panoramic views (which we did on the way down) You wait in line for a 3- minute funicular ride up the steepest part of the mountain & then walk another 20 minutes along the windy path uphill to the mouth of the cave. They do have cool bathrooms at the top cut out into the cave, though.

The cave tour was about 45 minutes. We held heavy old-fashioned lanterns with open flames in front of a shield for the handle. As if the trek to get their wasn't enough, the tour involves walking up 750 steps through the largest hall, through ice tunnels & then back down on  the other side. Taking pictures was not allowed but I think Sydney did anyway...
cool sign at the ticket  building
old pic of inside the cave
Cannon & Kyra climbing up the back side of the ticket building
info boards at the beginning of the 1st hike
entrance to the tunnel
trekking inside the tunnel
done with the tunnel, halfway to the funicular
waiting for the funicular
Cannon with his new ice-bear hat!
entrance to the cool bathroom
I'm sure you wanted to see the cool bathroom cave wall!
waiting at the entrance of the cave
still waiting
looking out the entrance back down the windy path
ice tunnel inside
Carley holding the old-fashioned lantern

Werfen Castle & Bird Show
This was my favorite castle so far & the falcon show was pretty cool with all the birds of prey flying around. First we ate lunch in the castle restaurant, then jumped in with the tour group (audio devices for English), visited the Da Vinci exhibit & then enjoyed the bird show..
our royal family
the bell tower
inside the castle's courtyard
the restaurant door is straight ahead
kids' favorites: pizza, chicken nuggets & fries
goulash is a tasty meat & potato soup
spaetzel is basically Bavarian macaroni & cheese, yum!
a preview of the bird show
in the torture chamber: devices for the victims
the stretcher: to pull your extremities out
the Spanish sock, note the spikes on the inside
thumb screws, ouch!
the dungeon hole
they would just drop prisoners down 30 feet
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a potty hole that could act as a "natural" defense weapon
looking out a peep hole down the valley

Sydney missing soccer!
up in the bell tower
Kyra & Cannon leaving the bell tower
medieval version of bowling
Da Vinci's early model for ball bearings
can you imagine trying to battle in this heavy thing?
one of Da Vinci's flying machines
Avery with Da Vinci's version of the hang glider
waiting for the bird show to start
a hawk snatching food from the trainer
coming in for a landing

Carley just a little nervous with this thing so close!
ready for take off
off again after a snack

1 comment:

  1. Wowza! That is an awesome castle, and a cool cave, literally.
