Monday, May 22, 2017

Sunday, May 21 (week 17 / day 119) Grindelwald, Switzerland

Morgan Morning Devotional
We made the decision to not get up at 6am to get to the 9am German-speaking branch in Interlaken. Travel takes a lot longer when you have to take a train down the hill & extract your car from a hard-to-figure-out garage! Instead, we watched the Mormon message from Elder Andersen on the church website. In fact, we watched it twice. In our semi-heathen state, we also made a quick trip to the grocery story because we were out of liquid gold (milk) & got to use the cute roller bag at the chalet.
grocery roller bag
We then packed up & made the trek to the train station. Stacia & I both ended up jogging back to the apartment because she forget the parking garage ticket & then, after she had left, I thought she needed the apartment key in my pocket! I caught up to her & it turns out she had a 2nd key to the apartment, so we jogged back to the station, grabbed the kids & jumped on the train with a minute to spare (the train goes up & down about every half hour). Getting out of the parking garage took another 20 minutes but it was all worth it...

Glorious Grindelwald
Our valley view in Wengen is beautiful, but the Grindelwald area is spaciously spectacular. The Bernese section of the Swiss Alps are gorgeous! The famous Eiger mountain sits just across from the gondola circuit which has 4 stations: 1) the base, 2) Bort with the trotti-bikes & a playground, 3) with the mountain karts & 4) the top station with the cliff hike. Each station has a couple restaurants of course...

We spent all afternoon riding the gondola up & using different methods of travel to get down. We were too late in the day to zip line down from the top, but we did go mountain kartimg & trotti-biking! Kyra decided not to trotti-bike down so she & I rode the gondola... for an hour! We accidentally got on the gondola going up the hill again, all the way to the top & back down again. The others beat us down only by 5 minutes on the trotti-bikes since they were delayed due to Carley's pavement-surfing episode...
across the parking lot in Grindelwald
on the gondola looking back at the Eiger

start of the cliff walk
Carley & the cliff
spying on tie of the Eiger

mountain karts

voted most scenic playground

the gang ready to ride down!

Carley reenacting her cement-surfing fall
shredded jacket display
now a Switzerland souvenir
scrapes even through the jacket!

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