Monday, May 29, 2017

Sunday, May 28 (week 19 / day 126) Frankfurt, Germany

Trek Into Frankfurt
We made up for last week. Two & a half hours to get to church. We left at just after 8am. Google told us it would be about 1 hour & 15 minutes driving from Weisel to the English-speaking ward in Frankfurt, starting at 9:30. On the way, we discussed the problem of parking in the city as it came up in the reviews on So, we decided to park the van in Wiesbaden & take the train in. Of course it took 30 minutes to figure out how to buy tickets & then which train to get on. We had to switch trains at the transfer station & of course had to stop at the bakery there to refuel.

We got out at the closest station & walked just a couple blocks to what is known at the Salt Lake of Europe. We walked into the meeting at 10:30 just as the Stake President got up as the last speaker at their ward conference. We did stay for all of church this time & met a few of the members. Many work in the church offices next door & serve in administrative positions. After church we made our way back on the train to the transfer station where we emerged from underground & treated ourselves to delicious McDonald's cuisine.

We then walked down to the Main River (that's the name of the river) & the kids sat on the grass while Stacia & I took a Sunday stroll further along. Nothing too exciting besides an actual old coal engine locomotive. There's a reason why Frankfurt is not a big tourist city. We made it back to the van in Wiesbaden & eventually back to Weisel well worn out by our church outing. We finally caught a pic of the cute electronic speed limit signs with the smiley face that appears for staying under the speed limit. We'll try to get a pic of the frowny face but it's hard because we never speed.
on the train after leaving the van in Weisbaden
bakery at the transfer station

about to get on the next train
apparently homeless man on the train
the walk to the church in Frankfurt
church sign in German
an hour late going in
Stacia realizing it's ward conference
the most normal-looking chapel we've seen in months
McDonald's celebration
Sydney waiting patiently to order
Kyra choosing the toy for her Happy Meal
a little taste of home
down at the brown River Main
kids happy to rest on the grass
the conductor of the old-fashioned train
the coal-driven engine
one cool background along the river
worn out on the train home
cute speed limit sign with accompanying cartoon warning

1 comment:

  1. I actually spent 4 years in Frankfurt am Main between the ages of 6 months and 4 1/2. I don't remember a thing. I have a picture of an elephant standing on my foot and my parents trying frantically to get it to move. That's my Frankfurt story. Thanks for sharing yours :)
