Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Sunday, May 14 (week 16 / day 112) Dachau, Germany

We got up early for the 2 hour drive into Germany to visit Dachau before church. We briefed the kids on WWII, the Nazi regime & the holocaust. It was a sobering tour through the empty grounds with the barbed wire, guard towers, memorials & the harrowing crematorium...
a simple sign before the front gate
map of the Dachau concentration camp
the gatehouse
old photos taken during the camp's operation
the front gate
Nazi propaganda: "work sets you free"
daily roll call
reconstructed barracks

aerial photo after liberation
guard tower & perimeter ditch

crematorium today

Cannon & Kyra waited outside the crematorium with one of us
modern sculpture in front of the maintenance building

Munich International Ward
We enjoyed the sacrament service in English & the Mother's Day program with the 7 local kids who sang one song, "I often go walking," one we don't hear much these days, but that we sang as kids back in the 70s! They passed out flowers for all the mothers but Stacia declined as a traveler & difficulty having it in the car. I think she should have accepted it anyway. As we were worn out from a long day already, we didn't stay for the next 2 hours & made a mad dash for the van in the pouring rain.

the small but cute chapel
Arrival in Lechbruck


  1. The education, memories and good times with each other is amazing. Can't wait to hear details.

  2. Thanks for the comment Margo! Much appreciated. The blog job is relentless. We can't wait to see you all again! - Paul
