Saturday, May 13, 2017

Friday, May 12 (week 16 / day 110) The Eagle's Nest, Germany

The Eagle's Nest
Stacia, Sydney & I got up early while the others slept in. Our goal was to catch the first bus up the mountain. We crossed over into Germany & made it to the parking lot by 8:25. I paid for parking while Stacia ran ahead to find the bus stop. Sydney & I caught up to her just barley in time to get on the bus at 8:32. Up the narrow windy road we went.

At the top, we walked through the long tunnel to the brass elevator that brings you up into the Eagle's Nest. This mountain retreat was built during 1937-1938 for the Nazi elite who made this area a second seat of government for the Third Reich. All labor regulations were suspended during construction to have it finished on time for the megalomaniac Fuhrer.

We got out of the elevator, stepped outside & caught a glimpse of the valley below before the clouds completely moved in. In the restaurant, we sat down in a booth with a window but the weather offered no view but white. Stacia asked the patient waiter about the consistency of the hot chocolate, wondering if it was as thick as the kind we had in Italy. After some debate we ordered one cup of hot chocolate & a slice of chocolate cake. See comments below for Stacia's hot cocoa description.

I wish the day had been nice enough to say this was my picture below, but I had to include one from the internet to show what it's supposed to look like! The 2nd picture is one I took on our jog along the canal in Salzburg; a reminder of the countless atrocities that occurred due to the evil of Hitler's reign.

Image result for eagles nest
web pic of the Eagle's nest on a clear day

a rare & subtle WWII memorial in Salzburg
an eerie shot of Sydney on the bus
the drive up was beautiful despite no blue sky
entrance to the tunnel
the long tunnel leads to the brass elevator
passage room to the brass elevator
the elevator operator didn't care about taking pictures
last glimpse of the valley below
the clouds obscured any view from the top
Kehlstienhaus = The Eagle's Nest
the reception room, now a restaurant
Stacia previewing the menu
thick walls of cold stone with a view of the clouds!
hot chocolate & chocolate cake
reception room from below with ugly stickers on the door

waiting for the bus to go down the hill
Park Play
On the way to the park...

The Palace & Dinner
A date in old town Salzburg. We left the kids with taco fixins' while the two of us took a stroll along the canal toward the old city. We toured the palace & cathedral before heading for a cute café restaurant...
the lock bridge
the cathedral portion of the palace complex
view down onto the north plaza & the Mozart statue in the distance
basking in the sun on the royal balcony
the Mozart piano open for anyone to play
Zirkelwirt Restaurant
cordon bleu for Stacia & meat dumplings with sauerkraut for Paul
taco dinner made by the kids all on their own!
kids having tacos at the apartment
on the back from the old city
had to get a pick of this


  1. Soooooooo......was the hot cocoa exactly what Stacia wanted??????

  2. yes, it was much better than Italy! It was "regular" hot chocolate. NOT the stuff that is like you just melted a Hershey's bar in a cup. While that sounds like it would be really good it is not good for drinking. It is just too much. You need it thin to enjoy sipping it. I know the guy thought I was cookoo but I really, really wanted some sipping hot chocolate!!
