Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thursday, Apr. 27 (week 14 / day 95) Rome to Rimini

Colosseum Tour
Stacia booked this kid-friendly tour a few days before & is the best tour we've been on because our young guide, Agle, was enthusiastic, involved the kids with games, had little prizes at different times & spoke fairly good English!

Cannon wearing his toy soldier's helmet

the maze of stone beneath the missing Colosseum floor
outside the Colosseum
overlooking Rome from Palantine Hill (Colosseum far right)

Cannon & the Roman Forum
plump, tourist-friendly seagull waiting for a handout
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Agle explaining Roman architecture
our girls with new tour friends sitting on some ancient pillar
Cannon not caring about old rocks
these letter look placed here for effect
supposed location of Julius Caesar's ashes
end-of-tour pic with Agle & tour friends
headless street performers help Cannon perk up

metro pic: seasoned public transportation kids!

Locked out of the Apartment
We accidentally left our only apartment key in the doorknob on the inside & the door latches closed when you shut it. We knew we'd have to meet Enrico to get another key, but we didn't know we wouldn't be able to turn the key at all because of the key sitting in the keyhole on the inside. We had just met Enrico downstairs for an extra key & quickly texted him the situation. We sat in the small entryway for 10 minutes in despair as he searched for the right tool. He came up with the dental x-ray of the doorman who apparently had just got back. The thin but stiff x-ray film was just right to fit in the door jamb & release the latch. What a relief! We were sure we were looking at a $100 locksmith fee.
gelato while waiting for Enrico (before moment of despair)
despair on the stairs

Enrico arrives with x-ray in hand to save the day!

Goodbye Rome, Hello Rimini
After thanking Enrico profusedly & getting back into our apartment, we had 30 minutes to have lunch & speed-pack which we are getting pretty good at! We were out by 1:45, loaded in the van by 2:00 & on the road for our 4-hour ride to Rimini. We were going to stop to see Assisi but it was just too late in the day. Instead we made a 15 minute pit stop at a gas station & pushed on to our beach-side apartment...
Cannon & Kyra pooped out from our last morning in Rome


  1. Hope you get enough restful beach time. You deserve it.

  2. I agree with Cannon. The Roman Forum is too old and too big to enjoy.
