Sunday, April 30, 2017

Friday, Apr. 28 (week 14 / day 96) Rimini Beach

Rimini Beach
The idea was to just get out of the city & recover a bit from the busy touring days in Rome...
better pic to follow when available
Paul's massive homemade burger
at least it's not pasta!
large porch, not much view
beach time!
flexibility & stretching class
finding balance
celebrating sand, waves & lots of space
Cannon at the beach playground
On top of the world
the warm sand was so nice!
San Marino
This little known country is the 5th smallest in the world...

old city San Marino on the plateau
cable car out of service
train car along the walking path
sunset in San Marino
Carley on top of the world
Rimini on the Adriatic Sea in the distance
finally a McD's stop!

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