Monday, April 3, 2017

Monday, Apr. 3 (week 11 / day 71) Barcelona: La Sagrada Familia

La Sagrada Familia
We got out after lunch & took the metro to La Sagrada Familia, a catholic basilica designed by Antoni Gaudi in 1882 & still under construction! The cranes that tower over the spires are a permanent fixture & look the same as they did back in 1996 when we visited Spain before kids!
It costs about $20 per person to go in so we just snapped a pic & moved on.

had to add this one of Cannon's "fat-app" face

Castell de Montjuic
This old fort was cool...
funicular ride (tram) up to the old fort

the southeast tower closest to the Mediterranean Sea
Barcelona from top of Castell Montjuic

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