Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Monday, Apr. 17 (week 13 / day 85) Dolceacqua to La Spezia, Italy

Old Town Dolceacqua
Since there was nobody staying the next night, our host let us stay as long we wanted. This was really nice as we could sleep in, get some school & planning done since we are only booked out through Rome & continually trying to find places to stay for the rest of Europe. We got out for a couple hours to see more of the old city, souvenir shop & sit at a café for pizza & gelato. Stacia reminded us that our friend Ingrid who served her mission in Italy told us we had to eat gelato every day! ...

Holiday Traffic!
Google Maps estimates 3 hours, 5 minutes for the drive from Dolceacqua to La Spezia... it took us just over 6 hours to make the journey! The Easter holiday traffic made the news as we could hear it on the radio ("trafico intenso") & our hosts told us the report was 30 kilometers (almost 20 miles) of stop-and-go traffic from Savona to Genoa. That was us. We did hit a rest stop for 30 minutes to stretch, eat & relax. Cannon suddenly developed red itchy bumps on his forearm which we rinsed & covered with a tegaderm, a plastic covering Paul brought from the hospital. His small first-aid kit has come in handy quite a bit along the way.

an informative but not too helpful sign


  1. So sorry you had to spend so much time in the car. Italy is really wonderful. You will love your pictures when you get home. We love them now!

  2. That is the best Italian advice I can give! Hope the gelato is enjoyable!

    I love seeing you guys there--it looks wonderfully dreamy!
