Friday, April 14, 2017

Thursday, Apr. 13 (week 12 / day 81) Valras-Plage, France

Lego Store, better than any beach!
From Carcassone, we headed past Montpellier & took a detour to a beach town called Valras-Plage for the sole purpose of finding the “one-of-a-kind” Lego store museum for Cannon. We actually found it, so while all the girls hit the beach, Cannon & I got elbow deep in Legos. We had a table all to ourselves with a huge pile to choose from. We each built a house. We also toured the museum which consisted of a dozen huge display cases full of Lego constructions. There was no recording allowed inside the "museum" so you'll have to visit yourself to see!

nothing beats a pile of Legos & Star Wars posters!
the roof on Cannon's house got tricky at the top
the completed structures & the master builders
Not quite the French Riviera

Beach House

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