Sunday, April 23, 2017

Saturday, Apr. 22 (week 13 / day 90) Florence, Italy

We made the pilgrimage. We couldn't leave Tuscany without seeing the heart of the Renaissance! We drove to a suburb to park & took the tram into town. I've tried to add the more modest statue pics...
about to get on the train

the cathedral in Florence, dome by Brunelleschi

delicious pizza right on the piazza

the front doors of the cathedral

admiring the facade

baptistery doors by Ghiberti

inside the cathedral

family pic with Brunelleschi's dome

gelato break

Sydney strategically positioned in front of Michelangelo's David (replica only)

Kyra & Cannon imitating Hercules & The Centaur

kids done admiring the naked statues

Stacia still appreciating the Renaissance art

the famous bridge in Florence (Ponte Vecchio)

on the bridge filled with shops & tourists

still on the bridge with Brunelleschi's dome in the distance

the sidewalk version of da Vinci's Mona Lisa

we had to get more tasty pizza as we passed back through the piazza

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