Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday, Apr. 24 (week 14 / day 92) Orvieto, Italy

We packed up & were out of our place near Siena by 10:05 as the cleaning lady was coming up the stairs. It was only 1 hour 15 minutes to Orvieto, a cool medieval town built on a plateau. We made this a stop not only because it's halfway to Rome, but also because our friends the Wells recommended it to us! We could have spent all day here but it ended up being just about a 3 hour visit. There is a whole underground part of the city that we didn't have time for, so we'll have to come back.
Stacia got out for a sign-selfie but then traffic came along

Sydney in some cute piazza in Orvieto

walking along the narrow streets

gelato for lunch

"The Gelato Office"

post-gelato joy

adding to the art in Orvieto

a cute shopping alley
this would be a cool Halloween costume!
Pinocchio & perfume; it just makes sense
a Pinocchio souvenir
the cathedral in Orvieto
interesting striped walls

the view off the side of the town

notice the city wall built straight up from the rock wall

Arrival in Rome
We made it to Rome by 4:00 to meet our host, Enrico, a smooth-talking & fashionably-dressed Roman who's become a part-time rental manager to balance his engineering desk job. The difference between country & city lodging is stark. We much prefer the quiet country home in Tuscany to the crowded apartment complex in Rome; a sight-seeing necessity. We took a small elevator (barely fits 4 people) to the 7th floor & settled in. We ventured out & found a Conad grocery store & a cute corner deli with rotisserie chicken cooking right there on the open flame. The man was working hard to keep the fire just right & had us wait for the next fresh batch. We brought it back to the apartment & it was devoured in minutes.
rolling our bags to the high-rise aparment

city dwelling is not our preference!

our host Enrico

welcome gifts: wine & sweet bread
waiting for our chicken!


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