Saturday, April 8, 2017

Saturday, Apr. 8 (week 11 / day 76) Aravell, Spain

Goodbye Barcelona
Barcelona is a neat city, but we're so ready to leave the noise! Every night it sounded like there was construction going on, as if they were remodeling a house across the street at 3 or 4 in the morning. It turns out that's when they collect the garbage from the 4 huge containers right in front of our building! So ready to leave the city.

Monestir de Montserrat
This is an awesome monastery in the Montserrat mountain range! pics soon...

Finally, quite, peaceful, beautiful Europe! Northeastern Spain is almost a different country where most of the people speak Catalan in addition to Spanish. Aravell is a small town in a beautiful valley built up around the golf club. We are staying in one of condos up on the hill above the golf course. It has grass for the kids to run around on with views of the valley & snow-capped mountains...

1 comment:

  1. Oh like you are really making us feel bad about some dumb garbage truck........
    Ha ha ha!!!!
    I am excited to see your Europe adventures now!!!!
