Friday, April 14, 2017

Friday, Apr. 14 (week 12 / day 82) Saintes-Maries-de-le-Mer, France

Bakery & Wifi Search
A Train Ride to Forget
Le Petite Train looked cool on the ad board with pictures of wild horses running through the water & loads of pink flamingos in the bay. We loaded up with the other tourists & the same lady in the ticket booth collected the tickets, put on her headset, climbed in the driver seat & began the audio tour in French. She did hand out laminated info sheets in English! She took us maybe a quarter mile out of town & stopped to see 2 flamingos, which was cool; pink flamingos in the wild! But I had to laugh when we later passed by a canal & she threw out chunks of bread to attract the ducks; wow ducks! The highlight, though, was getting out to pet & feed the "wild horses" in their corral. Not like the ad.

wild horses, just tame enough to pet!
Cannon feeding carrots to the big brown horse
ice cream cones back in town to celebrate the narrow escape from wild animals
Sydney, a true "Mav" even in France, in front of the bull ring
Photo Shoot
The picturesque villas on the beach offered the perfect setting for a grand photo shoot...


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