Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wednesday, Feb. 15 (week 4 / day24) Playa Avellana, CR

Playa Avellana
Another boring day at the beach. Our favorite beach. It's not packed with tourists but has a nice gathering feel because the open-air restaurant, Lola's, is popular with locals & visitors alike. Lola is actually a large pig kept in a pen beside the restaurant. There are palms & other trees for shade & there's a 100 yards of sand down to the water at low tide. Amazingly, the water comes to within 10-15 yards of the back of the beach at high tide. The rip currents aren't dangerous although the waves are big enough for the local surfers that come out at prime time. Sydney gets worn out but she is working hard at getting up on the board. The iguanas & smaller lizards are prevalent & come out for scraps of food. Kyra was sitting in the beach chair & noticed a big iguana right next to her eyeing the banana peel under her chair. She got up while Stacia got a couple pics & it got away with the peel.

Kyra & Paul having some carrot sticks for a snack

iguana up in the tree

iguana after its banana peel snack

iguana scampering over a log to get away
chasing the iguana, a video attempt
If this works, we can post more videos. Maybe by the end of the week we can get Sydney surfing!

No Hot Water
On the way home, Cannon asked without great concern, "Is there going to be hot water for the shower today?" This made us smile because it was just a normal question, not a complaint. We have had hot water most of our stay here at the beach house, but ever since we lost power for about an hour in the middle of the night 2 days ago, the hot water has not been happening. Paul checked the breakers & flipped them off & on again but that didn't work. We only have 3 or 4 nights here at the beach house as we head back toward San Jose for 3 days before we leave Costa Rica. Our time here is almost gone! Hard to believe. For dinner: Spaghetti with meat sauce & side salad with lettuce, carrots & beats (optional).


  1. Hope you're loving it as much as I am loving reading along. Bummer, the video doesn't work. Maybe Kim will have a tip for you?

  2. You need to upload videos to youtube and then attach the link from there......
    Click the add a video button, then it should have a tab that lets you choose a youtube video.....

    Loving the Iguanas!!!!! I need to show Port!!!!! He will love it!

  3. Not able to see the video :( You can also post videos to your Instagram.

  4. I love Cannon's "will there be hot water?" question. And I love your lazy days.

  5. video doesn't work. Try uploading a video to YouTube and then embedding it in the blog. That should be easier.
