Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Sunday, Feb. 19 (week 4 / day 28) Quepos, CR

Wifi Woes
Wow, first I have to say that life without good wifi is a real downer. The router's band width is small here & we are competing with 30 Frenchmen! It's only working now because it's 7am & everyone's still asleep. Today we travel to the hotel airport for 1 night before we leave Costa Rica for New Zealand, so maybe we'll be able to catch up on the past few days.

LDS Quepos Branch
We attended the branch in Quepos which meets in a rented building well secured with a barbed wire fence & a narrow bridge which was a tight squeeze for our SUV. There were about 90 people there with a few other groups of visitors & 2 sets of missionaries. We only stayed for the first hour, drove around Quepos & then back to the house. On the way, we stopped at a fruit stand & loaded up!

a pic the next day with the barbed wire fence & locked gate!

Tarzan Jungle House


our studio apartment at the Tarzan Jungle House
gourmet dinner of rice & hamburger meat

Carley in the king-size bed


  1. Looks like you are still getting out in the sun. Your tans are glowing. We missed the reports.
    Happy flying!

  2. Those Frenchmen! I'm all caught up! Looking forward to more!
