Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tuesday, Feb. 7 (week 3 / day 16) Santa Elena, CR

Cloud Forest Walk
We got up early to get to Selvatura Park about 7:30 as suggested by the nice old man at the information center. He said we're more likely to see animals earlier in the morning as they are searching for food. I'm not sure if made a difference, but it got us up & going. We spent about an hour and a half walking through the cloud forest trail which has about 8 bridges that cross the jungle below. The greenery is ubiquitous & Stacia commented, "this is making me hungry; it's like walking through a big green salad!"
family selfie (without Cannon) on walkway at Selvatura Park

family selfie (with Cannon) from other side of walkway into the cloud!

Stacia on the bridge with a salad background

This one probably made it on Instagram

Stacia & Cannon on the trail with cool vines

Avery (& Kyra's hand) with a heart-shaped stump
Hummingbird Farm
After the cloud forest hike, we hit the hummingbird exhibit where they buzz around &  land on your hands at the feeders. You have to hold really still for them to land on you.
Kyra, Avery & Stacia at the feeders
this little guy liked Carley enough to land without feeding!
a great close-up of a hummingbird

a group shot without hummingbirds, or is that one on Avery's hand?

Carley watches one that landed on Paul's hand

Avery with one on her hand & one flying while drinking

Carley with the coveted double landing!
Butterfly House
Next we hit the butterfly house with a short lesson on metamorphosis. The guide apologized for the few number of butterflies out & about due to the weather. We did see a few cool butterflies but it didn't beat the fun of the hummingbirds.
a newly hatched butterfly from its chrysalis
Carley, Avery, Paul & Sydney on the butterfly observation deck
Zipline Tour
Paul & Avery did a zip line tour together which included about 8 zip lines, a tarzan swing & took about 2 hours. They had a great time & got to ride tandem on the 2 longer zip lines, the longest being about 1 kilometer (0.6 mile) long.
Paul & Avery about to start their zip line tour

Avery all hooked in & ready to go on her first run

Cannon had this hummingbird sit on his finger in the gift shop...

...and almost brought him home but decided a picture was just as good
That afternoon Stacia went with Sydney & Avery to a hostel lounge to use the wifi since the connection at our house was so poor. They had tried an internet café first but that was just as bad as the house! They also got huge burritos at "Taco Taco" right next door while Paul took the rest of the kids to the favored express hamburger place called "I'm Hungry" just up the street.
Avery in front of the hostel & the attached Taco Taco Taqueria


  1. Oh my goodness!!!!! This all looks so amazing!!!!!

  2. Wow, I love those hummingbirds. They are so brilliant. You all look like a million bucks!!!

  3. Your posts are the best moment of my week. And the pictures are amazing and of course, you are one gorgeous family. What cool experiences you are having. And, soon it will be Kyra's birthday, then Stacia's. Big month. I sure missed seeing you when we went to Emily and Joe's for the superbowl/dinner. Can't wait to see what happens in your adventure next. Much love, Margo

  4. Avery, once you get to Europe and try out the chocolate there--Ritter Sport, Milka, Cadbury, etc.,--you'll never miss Hershey's chocolate again! I promise. :)

  5. The bright blue hummingbird is my fav! Stunning!

  6. Wow!!! Those hummingbirds look amazing! How cool to have them sit on your hands. Sierra says she is surprised that they have soccer there. We miss you!
