Saturday, June 3, 2017

Thursday, June 1 (week 19 / day 130) Bike Tour in Paris

10 Days Left!
Home stretch. The countdown is on. Actually, Sydney has an App that's been counting down the days, hours, minutes & seconds since we got to Salzburg 3 weeks ago. It's nice to end with relative modernity of a city with all the renowned sites to see. It would have been more difficult to finish in Costa Rica with the more primitive living conditions as we are a little worn down, in general. Our spirits are up & ready to see some famous stuff...

Paris Bike Tour
Not as nice as the Sound of Music Tour in Salzburg, for several reasons. Our guide, Elise, seemed more of a novice than Claudio, our expert on all things Von Trapp guide. Elise was pleasant enough & tried her best to remember names, dates & such but was far from polished in her monologue & offered few details that you couldn't find in any regular guidebook. Also, where Claudio was quite proficient at putting bike chains back on, when it came to brake problems on Cannon's bike, I had to help out & all Elise said was, "we'll have to keep an eye on that" without getting off her bike!

The Paris tour was city, city, city with lots of street crossings & technical maneuvering. Kyra did pretty well with all the experience in Salzburg! Paris would have been a lot tougher for her as a first ride. Lunchtime was awkward with a construction-zoned bakery stop & then riding a few more blocks to a plaza; poor instructions left us riding with open apple juice cans on our handlebars. No cute Sound of Music baskets or flip charts to follow either. We did have good weather.

Sydney's hair, our guide Elise ahead & the back of Notre Dame
crossing some bridge on the Seine
a brief stop to walk on some really old cobblestones
the Louvre courtyard with modern glass pyramid

our lunch stop in some plaza

the Pompidou Center was built "inside-out" with all the pipes exposed
Stacia with her Kouign-amann
Elise had nothing to say about the nearby church
this is the downtown Paris high school
Cannon didn't care much for this 1,000 year-old wall!
finale pics with Notre Dame on the left

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