Monday, June 5, 2017

Saturday, June 3 (week 19 / day 132) Museum Day in Paris

d'Orsay Museum
It's not the Louvre, but the next best thing. Maybe better due to less crowds. Sydney wanted to go with us so we left the others at home & the 3 of us spent the afternoon together. The d'Orsay Museum was the old P&O Paris-Orleans) train station built for the 1900 Paris World's Fair. Mostly Monet, Renoir, Cezanne, Degas, Van Gogh & Manet; the impressionists...
a hearty Parisian breakfast
the spacious hall of the old train station-turned museum
an atypical Monet
Stacia's favorite Degas
Sydney with a Manet
behind the huge clock
Champs-Elysees Avenue in the Rain
We walked across the closest bridge over the river & sat in the Tuileries Gardens deciding whether to head for the closest metro (Sydney & I preferred this option) or walk the tourist path down Champs-Elysees Avenue for some shopping... Stacia won out, "Yes I'm tired, but we're in Paris, this is it!" Off we went & it soon started raining.
little-known statue of TJ, minister to France 1784-89
a look back at the d'Orsay Museum
Royal Palace in the rain
Paul's Bakery

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