Travel Day
fly from Chiang Mai to Bangkok then on to Siem Reap, Cambodia
The day rolled along pretty well without any major glitches. We did have a small panic when we needed our departure cards to get out of Thailand at the Bangkok airport. Each card is specifically stamped with the date of entry; not sure what they do when people lose those. Paul thought he left them in his backpack which we had just checked on at the counter! He looked again & found them in Cannon's bag, phew! In Camodia, they staple them into your passport. Good idea. In fact, the Cambodians are full of good ideas. Too good. They've learned how to extract a lot of cash from the tourists.
Everyone, even if you're visiting for 1 day, has to apply for a tourist visa (usually for >30 days!). $32 per person is a little hefty, especially x7! They take your passport when you pay, then you join the crowd at the other end of the counter as the processing officials work the assembly line. The last guy is sorting through the passports, holds one up, tries to find you in the mass & may hand it or toss it to you, depending on how close you're squished in. Not fun. I waited for 7 of them while the Stacia & the kids sat & rested. Luckily customs was nothing but putting your form in a pile!
waiting in the Chiang Mai airport for our 1st flight |
Air Asia is the budget airline of Southeast Asia |
we made it to Cambodia! |
a casual walk from the plane to the visa/customs building |
tuk tuk ride to our hotel |
our small hotel, we used 3 of the 4 rooms |
our host on the left, Stacia making travel arrangements |
dinner at our hotel, Angkor Betel |
breakfast the next morning: a fried egg, baby bananas, coconut balls & corn on the cob |
Oh my goodness! So cute cool stuff!!!! And man, I am loving all the family shots all together!!!!!