Friday, March 10, 2017

Saturday, Mar. 11 (week 7 / day 48) Wanaka, NZ

Wanaka A&P Show
Wanaka has one of the largest agricultural & pastoral shows of the South Island of New Zealand. We are lucky that it just so happens to be during our stay here! We had to check it out & got to see a lot of local flavor: people, culture, activities & foods. New Zealand has many descendants from Ireland & Great Britain, including Scotland. The fair today felt like a Scottish festival with the bagpipes & the Jack Russell Terrier race, although we could hardly see the dogs across the large field. We also saw sheep-herding like in the movie "Babe," a parade of horses, cows & antique cars, sheep-sheering & a wood chopping competition.

We stopped in a café for lunch & Stacia got 2 steak & cheese pies (along with a whole assortment of baked goods) that you eat right out of the wrapper. The girls got some jewelry & Cannon chose a small toy truck with a cow trailer. We happened to run into the only church member in Wanaka: Lindy Haney, with her 2 girls. Her husband is the NZ ski team coach. We had met her last Sunday at the Queenstown Branch.
a peaceful walk to the A&P show

the Scottish Band, bag pipes & all
sheep with their coats still on
Kyra & the sheep-shearer

back-braking & record sheep-sheering: 90 seconds!

visiting with Lindy Haney at the A&P show
homework, NZ style

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