Thursday, June 8, 2017

Wednesday, June 7 (week 20 / day 136) Wissous, France

Back to Paris
Wissous is the name of the village-suburb just north of Orly Airport south of Paris. Sophie is the name of our host. She is Asian but has lived in Paris for 25 years off & on. She is very nice & helped us with transportations while here. She followed us to the TTcar transit Center to return the beast, technically, to sell her back. What a relief a relief! I wanted to scream for joy.

She also suggested a nearby restaurant in the old village center & drove us there! It's a restored barn built in the 13th century called the "Tithe Barn" because it was the storage place for 1/10th of the harvest. Some of the funds raised were supposedly used to help finish Notre Dame Cathedral. We haven't eaten out much as a couple but this seemed like a perfect ending to celebrate near completion of our trip.

The waiter wore a suit & the menu was only 2 pages with  a couple salad choices, a cheese platter, 6 entrees (3 fish & 3 beef options) & a handful of desserts. Stacia got the veal cutlet & I got the beef tenderloin which were both excellent. For dessert Stacia ordered the only on the menu with chocolate in the name & when it showed up it was nothing like we pictured but it was delicious. I simply ordered sorbet since that seemed pretty safe; it was just ok, kind of like fancy popsicle with whipped cream on top.

celebration after returning the beast
The "Tithe Barn" Restaurant
the church across the courtyard
entryway of the restaurant
deciding what to order, no wine glasses needed
Stacia's veal cutlet
my beef tenderloin paired with San Pellegrino sparkling water
Stacia's "chocolate" dessert
the sorbet
back at our place by the airport, our last night on continental Europe!

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