Saturday, January 28, 2017

Thursday, Jan. 26 (Day 4) Playa Negra, CR

Today was our first full day at Casa Nirvana, our beach house: truly a state of peace and joy. This is most true for the 6-8am time period when the kids are still sleeping and quiet time is greatly cherished.

We loaded up and drove to a nearby beach called Playa Negra where the kids played in the water for two hours. The current was quite strong and at one point Cannon drifted out a little too far and was losing a battle to get back to shore. Paul swam out and swam back part way with Cannon hanging on. Avery was a lifesaver as she made it out to them with a boogie board to a tired dad! They made it back safely as Stacia's worst fear was averted but proved a certain possibility. We noticed that we were just about the only ones lying in the sun since the locals (tan-for-life) all sit up under the trees in the 85 degree weather. We sure don't miss the snow, ice & 20 degrees back in Idaho!

Famished, we cleaned up back at the house and headed to lunch at Lochito's Restaurant just down the road from our place. Since they don't take credit card there, Paul had to run back to the house to get more Costa Rican colones since we thought it would be cheaper than the menu revealed. While waiting for the food, we noticed a large insect up in the rafters, a grasshopper on steroids! Maybe a locust? Where's the wild honey? Carley & Cannon got chicken fingers, Avery & Kyra got cheeseburgers, Stacia a salad, Sydney was the  most brave with a more traditional Costa Rican grilled fish, rice, beans, and fried plantian dish that she liked. It's nice that you can get regular kid fare most anywhere in the world!

Next we hit El Mercado Junquillal (grocery store) where the waitress from Lochito's had told us we could find "anything we needed." Not quite accurate, but we found some basic items to last for 2-3 days. Interestingly, there were no prices listed so it was pick out now and find out later after checkout! The fruit and vegetable corner was dismal, not the "fresh fruit stand on every corner" that we dreamed of. An expat couple told us that you have to go to larger towns for the Saturday farmers' markets. Winco produce back home may not be locally grown, but we sure appreciate the convenience and selection now! 1 gallon of milk = $4.30, 12oz. peanut butter jar = $6.00, 15 eggs = $2.73 which is not bad considering farm fresh eggs back home go for $3.00/dozen. Dinner: rice and beans (al dente) with hotdog-type sausage mixed in for some flavor. Stacia is out of her element without her full array of spices! Or measuring things, or butter, or a dish towel, or hot pads...etc.  The kids ate it with only a few complaints dreaming of meals from our own kitchen.

Photos of Playa Negra

           You can find chicken & fries anywhere in the world... we'll have to count the number of countries Carley can eat them in.

huge grasshopper/locust

Lochitos Restaurant

The "grocery store"

"home schooling" Costa Rican style


  1. It has been so much fun to read about your adventures! May sunburns fade quickly, joy be felt often, and familial relationships continue to strengthen. We love you guys!

  2. Your beach house looks DREAMY! Love the stories....keep em coming!
